

  • Fastest time wins
  • Run a cloverleaf pattern starting with either barrel first
  • 5-Second Penalty for every down barrel
  • One/Horse rider combo
  • Time starts and stops when horses nose crosses the timer line

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 63)

2023 NHSFR Barrel Racing Champion


  • Must ride one handed for 8 seconds to receive score
  • Highest score wins
  • Score is based 50 off the horse and 50 off the rider
  • Feet of rider must be on point of shoulder when animal’s front feet hit the ground leaving the chute
  • If fail to do so, that marks as a no score
  • Can not touch horse with free hand

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 77)

Roughstock Saftey Checklist

2023 NHSFR Bareback Riding Champion

Boys Cutting

  • Horse and Rider scored event, as team, while cutting cattle from the herd
  • Start out with a base score of 70 and go up or down from there, 70 being average
  • Allowed 2 ½ minutes to work cattle
  • If you leave the pen early you are DQ’ed
  • 24/25 NCHA Judges Card

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 119)

2023 NHSFR Boys Cutting Champion

Girls Cutting

  • Horse and Rider scored event, as team, while cutting cattle from the herd
  • Start out with a base score of 70 and go up or down from there, 70 being average
  • Allowed 2 ½ minutes to work cattle
  • If you leave the pen early you are DQ’ed
  • 24/25 NCHA Judges Card

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 119)

2023 NHSFR Girls Cutting Champion

Breakaway Roping

  • Fastest time wins
  • Rope is tied to saddle horn with string
  • Calf is roped, as calf continues to run, horse and rider stop
  • Which causes the rope tied to horn to break
  • When the rope is set free, time is stopped
  • 10-Second time penalty for broken barrier
  • Horse must clear box before loop is thrown
  • If contestant carries two ropes, two throws are acceptable

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 69)

2023 NHSFR Breakaway Roping Champion

Bull Riding

  • Must ride one handed with bull rope, for 8 seconds
  • Highest score wins
  • See rulebook for equipment rules
  • Score is 50 off of the bull and 50 off the rider
  • Can not touch bull with free hand

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 93)

Roughstock Saftey Checklist

2023 NHSFR Bull Riding Champion

Goat Tying

  • Fastest time wins
  • Goat is tied to a stake with a ten foot rope
  • Horse and rider pass starting line
  • Rider dismounts
  • Catches goat
  • Flanks goat
  • Ties any 3 legs, with piggin’ string
  • Time stops when contestant throws hands up and walks away from goat
  • After goat sits for 6 seconds, time is finalized

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 74)

2023 Goat Tying Champion

Pole Bending

  • Fastest time wins
  • Serpentine through a set of six poles
  • Start on either left or right side
  • Each pole is 21-feet apart, including from timer line
  • Time starts and ends when horses nose crosses the timer line
  • 5-Second penalty for every downed pole
  • One/Horse rider combo

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 66)

2023 NHSFR Pole Bending Champion

Saddle Bronc Riding

  • Must ride one handed, with riding rein for 8 seconds to receive score
  • Highest score wins
  • Score is based 50 off the horse and 50 off the rider
  • Feet of rider must be on point of shoulder when animal’s front feet hit the ground leaving the chute
  • If fail to do so, that marks as a no score
  • Can not touch horse with free hand

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 85)

Roughstock Saftey Checklist

2023 NHSFR Saddle Bronc Riding Champion

Steer Wrestling

  • Fastest time wins
  • Steer is given head start
  • Hazer keeps steer in straight line
  • Contestant on horseback tracks down steer
  • Dismounts atop the steer, makes it to the head
  • Scoops the right horn in his arm, then grabs the left
  • After fully dismounted, the contestant places feet in the dirt stopping motion
  • The point is to turn the steer flat on it’s back
  • All four feet facing same direction and time stops
  • 10-Second penalty for broken barrier

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 94)

2023 NHSFR Steer Wrestling Champion

Team Roping

  • Any gender combo
  • Time stops when header and heeler face with tight ropes
  • Please see rulebook for fair head catches
  • 5-Second penalty for one-hind foot catch
  • 10-Second penalty for broken barrier

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 109)

2023 NHSFR Team Roping Champions

Tie-Down Roping

  • Fastest time wins
  • Cowboy ropes calf
  • Dismounts horse
  • Throw calf by hand (flanking)
  • Tie any 3 feet
  • If calf is down upon cowboy’s arrival it is required to pick up before flanking
  • Tie must hold for 6 seconds after roper calls for time, usually hands thrown in air
  • 10-Second time penalty for broken barrier

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 104)

2023 NHSFR Tie-Down Roping Champion

Reined Cow Horse

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 126)

2023 NHSFR Reined Cow Horse Champion


To find out more about NHSRA/NRA Shooting Sports Programs, Please contact Kaitlyn Russ at [email protected]


  • For queens from each state
  • To make it to nationals girls must win their state competition
  • Judged on Categories:
    • Modeling
    • Written Test
    • Appearance
    • Personal Interview
    • Prepared Speech
    • Impromptu Speech
    • Horsemanship
  • If interested please contact the national headquarters and we can get you in touch with your state’s Queen Coordinator

For a full list of event rules see the rulebook, (PG. 137)

2023 NHSFR Queen Speech and Modeling

2023 NHSFR Queen Horsemanship