Get Out There And Serve
- Posted by ghawkes
- Categories The Last Word
- Date February 1, 2022
Get Out There & Serve
Hello, Friends,
We just finished up the 2024 NHSRA Mid-Winter Board Meeting in Branson, Missouri. While it was not the most enjoyable time traveling for most (remember that the temps for most of our membership dipped well below zero), the meeting certainly was everything that we’ve come to expect from our annual gathering. Our president, Mr. Randy Conklin from Missouri, and his state did an outstanding job hosting the national directors, state/provincial secretaries and many of our youth members.
For me personally, I love the chance to get to visit with as many people as possible during the week-long summit. It’s a very different pace than the NJHFR and NHSFR and it is a blessing to get to catch up with our rodeo family. As well, I’m always encouraged by the sacrifice of the volunteers and families who make our association keep running in their respective states and provinces and I love seeing them come together to tackle our current challenges and plan the future of our association.
What really stuck out to me at this year’s meeting was the quality of our student leadership. I’m not just talking about our elected jr. high and high school student officers – they’re outstanding of course. But nearly every member who came to the meetings and activities brought great ideas from their states that might help other states, as well as fresh viewpoints on what might take our association to the next level. I loved every comment made and it was an awesome reminder of why most of us serve the NHSRA: We love y’all and we want to help set you up for whatever life throws at you. Such an incredible group of students makes that easy!
I know that the contestants we had at Mid-Winter represented an extremely small portion of our membership, but I know that each one of YOU are leaders in your own communities. My prayer is that you continue to walk out the NHSRA tradition of servant leadership by stepping up in your state or province by leading. Go to your local board meetings. Get out there as an event director. Jump in when you see that help is needed.
There’s lots for each of us to do at our rodeos and certainly in our communities, so get out there and serve! That’s who we are. Walk it.
I’m praying you have a blessed spring and I’m looking forward to seeing you in Des Moines, Iowa, and Rock Springs, Wyoming, at a national event this summer. Now get after it!
Cory Young
Belton, Missouri
NHSRA Chaplain
[email protected]
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
By Cory Young

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